
Last updated: 02-07-2024

Collections are only enabled for dedicated organisations in SONAR and are groups of documents sharing a common characteristic. They are managed by the administrator of a dedicated organisation.

Search documents within a collection

  • Use the facet "Collections" to filter an existing search
  • On the document detailed view, click on the collection
    • In the public interface, this opens a document search within this collection
    • In the professional interface, this opens the settings of the collection
  • Use the collection public permalink
    • Link structure:[view]/collections/[PID]
    • This link can be found by clicking on a collection on a document detailed view

Example of a collection landing page: SONAR_collection.JPG

Manage the settings of a collection

  1. Open the administration interface
  2. Open Administration > Collections
  3. Edit a collection
Field Description
Name Displayed in the collection facet, document detailed view and collection landing page.
Description Displayed on the collection landing page.

Manage the documents linked to a collection

See page Manage documents

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