Teachers’ and parents’ involvement for a good school experience of native and immigrant children
Pirchio, Sabine
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Passiatore, Ylenia
Roma Tre University, Italy
Carrus, Giuseppe
Roma Tre University, Italy
Maricchiolo, Fridanna
Roma Tre University, Italy
Taeschner, Traute
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Arcidiacono, Francesco
Haute École Pédagogique BEJUNE
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Published in:
- Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies. - 2017, no. 15, p. 73-94
The increased and stable presence of immigrant children in preschools and in primary schools in Italy in the last twenty years, makes more and more important the study of the attitudes and behaviours in teachers, parents and children. As it is known, attitudes and behaviours can strongly influence school experience (relationships and achievements) of children from native as well as from immigrant families. Several international studies and surveys showed that children from immigrant families are more likely to drop out from school much before getting a diploma or a professional qualification (Anisef et al., 2010;
Brunello & Rocco, 2012; De Witte et al., 2013). The reason for it can be found in their socio-demographic conditions, their insufficient knowledge of the host country language and the inadequacy of educational policies for immigrants. Furthermore, the co-existence in the same school of immigrant children and autochthone children creating a constant intercultural and interethnic contact puts forward the need to handle prejudice development, in view of the social integration of the immigrant children. In this paper we present a study exploring the relationship between personality, educational style and prejudice of parents in native and in immigrant families regarding immigrant children’s social integration.
Results show important relations among these parents’ characteristics, together with differences between native and immigrant families. These findings could provide a contribution in implementing adequate intervention programmes supporting the school integration of immigrant children.
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