Book chapter

From institutional policies to teaching practices : analysis of a curricular design to promote research in education

  • 2022
Published in:
  • Learning across borders in teacher education: Experiences with the Swiss-North African Academic Network (SINAN) project / Boulos, Samir ; Feixas, Monica. - 2022, p. 40-49
English This chapter aims to analyse the relationship between the institutional policies at the University of Teacher Education BEJUNE and the actual teaching practices in the field of research education for pre-service teachers. More particularly, we will focus on the following aspects: firstly, we refer to an institutional document (the "Charte fondatrice de la HEP", hereafter the "Charter"), written in 2001 at the creation of the University of Teacher Education BEJUNE, which establishes the principles and general fondations of teacher education. These principles (which aim to define the ways to conceive different programmes offered by institution in terms of types of training for future teachers) are then considered as a general framework to analyse the actual design of research and methodological courses. Thirdly, a comparison between the Charter and the actual teaching activities performed in the field of education to and through research is made. This step represents an opportunity to identify the extent to which current practices to foster research in education are in alignment with the principles established 20 years ago as relevant issues and as the foundations of the institution. 'Research education' refers to how research at a university is practised as a means to educate students. This chapter highlights the ways to implement the institutional principles and develop meaningful curricular designs for improving teaching methodology in research education. We discuss this process of adaptation in sustaining a research culture and propose a reflection on the appropriateness of the Charter and its role in the current teaching methods at the University of Teacher Education BEJUNE.
  • English
Education, teaching
Open access status
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